-10% Ribera del Duero Trus Crianza 2020 Bodegas Trus 02590005 €12.87 €14.30 Trus Crianza 2019 is a Crianza red wine from D.O. Ribera del Duero produced by the winery Bodegas Trus in Valladolid (Spain) using grapes of the following variety/ties Tinta Fina. Add to cart
-15% Ribera del Duero Trus Reserva 2016 Bodegas Trus 02590004 €26.35 €31.00 Trus Reserva 2016 is a Reserva red wine from D.O. Ribera del Duero produced by the winery Bodegas Trus in Valladolid (Spain) using grapes of the variety Tinta Fina. Add to cart
-15% Ribera del Duero Trus Roble 2023 Bodegas Trus 02590006 1 Reviews €9.35 €11.00 Trus Roble 2023 is a oak aged red wine from D.O. Ribera del Duero produced by the winery Bodegas Trus in Valladolid (Spain) using grapes of the variety Tinta Fina. Add to cart